Sonic Advance (Android) 4.0.0 - Coming Soon...


I'm here to announce that a brand-new major update of Sonic Advance on Android will be released for the upcoming holidays!

The version 4.0.0 will be named Sonic Advance International, as this update will feature language settings! This update will not only feature other new additions, but it will also combine all APK language versions into one single APK file!

Here are the different additions that this update will provide:

Language select option

The first and main addition is the language select option in the main Options menu. This option is taken parts from the obsolete volume select option.

Additionally, thanks to the auto-language detection, the game will set the language based on your device language when booting the game for the first time!

New languages

Alongside the 6 current languages, 2 new languages will be added in the language list!

Also, most of the text will be refined in order to translate just about every text in the game and fix grammar inconsistencies.

Special Stages Gyroscope options

The Special Stages Controls and Gyroscope Sensitivity options will be combined into one option group!

Game pause soundtrack select option

The soundtrack select option will also be featured in the pause Options menu. Resetting the game will be no longer necessary to change the soundtrack!

Game Website

A game website will be accessible in the main menu! This website will be used to be informed about future updates and projects, looking for game hints, and more!

SIDENOTE: This website will be in English only.

Finally, a specialised Chinese version of the game will be released for Chinese players.
This version will have the language select option by the soundtrack select option.

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